RediSearch 2.6 release notes

Search using wildcard queries for TEXT and TAG fields, multi-value indexing and querying of attributes for any attribute type, and indexing double-precision floating-point vectors and range queries from a given vector.


RediSearch v2.6.20 requires:

  • Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 6.0.16
  • Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 6.2.8

v2.6.20 (July 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.

  • Bug fixes:

    • #4755 - Correct return the maximum value for negative values when using MAX reducer (MOD-7252)
    • #4733 - Separators ignored when escaping backslash \ after the escaped character such as in hello\\,world ignoring , (MOD-7240)
    • #4717 - Sorting by multiple fields as in SORTBY 2 @field1 @field2 was ignoring the subsequent field (MOD-7206)
  • Improvements:

    • #4793 - Add character validations to simple string replies and escape it when required(MOD-7258)
    • #4769 - Indicate which value is missing on the error message at the aggregation pipeline (MOD-7201)
    • #4746 - GROUPBY recursion cleanup (MOD-7245)

v2.6.19 (June 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.

  • Bug fixes:

    • #4616 Shards become unresponsive when using FT.AGGREGATE with APPLY 'split(...)' (MOD-6759)
    • #4557 FT.EXPLAIN returns additional } when querying using wildcards (MOD-6768)
    • #4647 FT.DROPINDEX with DD flag deleted keys in one AA cluster but not the others (MOD-1855)
  • Improvements:

    • #4599 Report additional memory consumed by the TAG and TEXT tries (MOD-5902)
    • #4688 Add missing FT.INFO fields when used within a cluster (MOD-6920)

v2.6.18 (April 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: LOW: No need to upgrade unless there are new features you want to use.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #4557 Additional "}" on wildcards replies for FT.EXPLAIN (MOD-6768)

v2.6.17 (April 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #4524 FT.CURSOR READ in a numeric query causing a crash (MOD-6597)
    • #4543 FT.SEARCH accessing an inexistent memory address causes a crash if using deprecated FT.ADD command (MOD-6599)
    • #4535 FT.PROFILE with incorrect arguments could cause a crash on cluster setup (MOD-6791)
    • #4540 Unfree memory from an existing RDB while re-indexing loading a new RDB could cause a crash (MOD-6831, 6810)
    • #4485 Some parameter settings using just prefixes instead of full values were working (MOD-6709)
  • Improvements:

    • #4502 Handle error properly when trying to execute Search commands on cluster setup as part of MULTI ... EXEC or LUA script (MOD-6541)

v2.6.16 (March 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE : Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #4477 Split INFIX and SUFFIX report on FT.EXPLAIN and FT.EXPLAINCLI (MOD-6186)
    • #4468 Memory leak upon suffix query for a TAG indexed with WITHSUFFIXTRIE (MOD-6644)
    • #4407 Clustered FT.SEARCH hangs forever without replying when an invalid topology is found (MOD-6557)
    • #4359 Searching for a synonym will iterate in the same group multiple times, causing a performance hit (MOD-6490)
    • #4310 Memory tracking on cluster setups causing high memory usage and potentially Out-of-Memory (MOD-6123, MOD-5639)

v2.6.15 (December 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: HIGH : There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #4244, #4255 Profiling FT.AGGREGATE using the WITHCURSOR flag causes a crash due to timeout (MOD-5512)
    • #4238 Memory excessively growing on databases caused by unbalanced nodes on inverted index trie (MOD-5880, MOD-5952, MOD-6003)
    • #3995 FT.CURSOR READ with geo queries causing a crash when data is updated between the cursor reads (MOD-5646)
    • #4155 FT.SEARCH not responding when using TLS encryption on Amazon Linux 2 (MOD-6012)
  • Improvements:

    • #4176 Initialization of the maximum numeric value range leading to a better balance of the index leaf splitting (MOD-6232)
    • #4123 Possibly problematic index name alias check-in command multiplexing (MOD-5945)
    • #4195 Query optimization when predicate contains multiple INTERSECTION (AND) of UNION (OR) (MOD-5910)

v2.6.14 (November 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: SECURITY: There are security fixes in the release.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3783 Broken lower and upper APPLY functions in FT.AGGREGATE on DIALECT 3 (MOD-5041)
    • #3823 APPLY or FILTER expression causing a leak (MOD-5751)
    • #3899 Connection using TLS fail on Redis (MOD-5768)
    • #3910 Heavy document updates causing memory growth if memory blocks weren't properly released (MOD-5181)(MOD-5757)
    • #3928 Queries with WITHCURSOR making memory growth since CURSOR wasn't invalidated in the shards (MOD-5580)
    • #3946 Vector range query could cause Out-of-Memory due to memory corruption (MOD-5791)
    • #3972 Adding new nodes to OSS cluster can cause a crash (MOD-5778)
    • #3957 After cleaning the index, the GC could corrupt unique values (MOD-5815)
    • #4002 Setting a low MAXIDLE parameter value in FT.AGGREGATE causes a crash (MOD-5608)
  • Security and privacy:

    • #3844 Limits maximum phonetic length to avoid vulnerability (MOD 5767)

v2.6.12 (July 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3557 TIMEOUT configuration on FT.AGGREGATE query being ignored (MOD-5208)
    • #3552 FT.CURSOR READ on JSON numeric queries not returning results (MOD-4830)
    • #3606 Update numeric inverted index numEntries avoiding excessive memory consumption (MOD-5181)
    • #3597 Duplicating alias as output name on FT.AGGREGATE reducer (REDUCE argument) doesn't return results (MOD-5268)
    • #3654 Added check for @ prefix on GROUPBY fields returning an error instead of wrong results
  • Improvements:

    • #3628 Background indexing scanning performance (MOD-5259)
    • #3259 Allow alias name beginning with as
    • #3641 Indexing sanitizing trigger in heavy data updates scenario

v2.6.9 (April 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3468 KNN searching for 0 vectors with a filter resulted in crash (MOD-5006)
    • #3499 MAXSEARCHRESULTS set to 0 causing FT.SEARCH to crash (MOD-5062)
    • #3494 Removing MAXSEARCHRESULTS limit causes crash on FT.AGGREGATE (MOD-4974)
    • #3504 Uninitialised vector similarity query parameter bug (MOD-5063)
  • Improvements:

    • #3430 Improve min-max heap structure for better readability and performance
    • #3450 Display NOHL option in FT.INFO command
    • #3534 Vector Similarity 0.6.1: Improve multi-value index deletion logic (#346)

v2.6.6 (March 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3403 Fix suffix and prefix matching when using CASESENSITIVE flag (MOD-4872)
  • Improvements:

    • #3397 Improve the Vecsim initial capacity default value

v2.6.5 (February 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3354 Library update preventing a crash during cluster failover (MOD-4560)
    • #3357 Handling division by zero in expressions preventing nodes to restart (MOD-4296)
    • #3332 Fix wildcards * queries on DIALECT 2 and DIALECT 3
  • Improvements:

    • #3361 Enable the use of IPv6 for all cluster and module communication

v2.6.4 (December 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #3289 Potential crash when querying multiple fields (MOD-4639)
    • #3279 Potential crash when querying using wildcard * on TAG field (MOD-4653)
  • Improvements:

    • #3256 Support IPv6 on cluster set command
    • #3194 Add the query dialects that are in use to FT.INFO and INFO MODULE commands (MOD-4232)
    • #3258 Add the module version and Redis version to INFO MODULE

v2.6 GA (v2.6.3) (November 2022)

This is the General Availability release of RediSearch 2.6.


This new major version introduces the ability to search using wildcard queries for TEXT and TAG fields. This enables the frequently requested feature suffix search (*vatore and ant?rez are now supported). In addition, the 2.6 release is all about multi-value indexing and querying of attributes for any attribute type ( Text, Tag, Numeric, Geo and Vector) defined by a JSONPath leading to an array or to multiple scalar values. Lastly, this version adds support for indexing double-precision floating-point vectors and range queries from a given vector.

What's new in 2.6


  • Improvements:

    • #2886 Support for wildcard queries for TEXT and TAG fields, where
      • ? matches any single character
      • * matches zero or more characters
      • use ' and \ for escaping, other special characters are ignored
      • #2932 Optimized wildcard query support (i.e., suffix trie)
    • Multi-value indexing and querying
      • #2819, #2947 Multi-value text search - perform full-text search on an array of strings or on a JSONPath leading to multiple strings
      • #3131 Geo #3118 Vector #2985 Numeric #3180 Tag
      • #3060 Return JSON rather than scalars from multi-value attributes. This is enabled via Dialect 3 in order not to break existing applications.
      • Support indexing and querying of multi-value JSONPath attributes and/or arrays (requires JSON >2.4.1)
      • #3182 Support for SORTABLE fields on JSON in an implicit un-normalized form (UNF)
    • #3156 Vector similarity 0.5.1:
      • Better space optimization selection (#175)
      • Aligning index capacity with block size (#177)
      • #3129 Support FLOAT64 as vector data type
      • #3176 Range query support
      • #3105 Support query attributes for vector queries
  • Bugs (since 2.6-RC1 / v2.6.1):

    • #3197 Failure to create temporary indices
    • #3098 Wrong return value in Geo query
    • #3230 Use the correct total number of matching records
With this release, we stop supporting direct upgrades from RediSearch v1.4 and v1.6 that are End-of-Life. Such RDB files can still be upgraded to RediSearch 2.0 first.
If indexing and querying RedisJSON data structures, this version is best combined with RedisJSON 2.4 GA (v2.4.1 onwards).
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