Advanced capabilities

Describes Redis Cloud Advanced capability options.

Advanced capabilities extend Redis database functionality by adding new data types and options.

Available options depend on your database plan and Type.

Redis Cloud Essentials

All Redis Cloud Essentials databases support Redis Stack, which enables the most frequently used capabilities.

For Essentials, the Type setting in the General section includes an option for Redis Stack.

When the database Type is set to Redis Stack, the Advanced capabilities section of the database details page displays the advanced capabilities included with the database and their versions.

For Essentials, the Database details page lists the capabilities and versions added by Redis Stack.

Redis Cloud is updated on a regular basis, which includes the advanced capabilities supported by the service. Versions displayed by the admin console may vary from those shown above. For the latest details of any capability, see Redis Stack and Redis Enterprise.

Redis Cloud Pro

Redis Cloud Pro lets you choose advanced capabilities for each database.

For Pro databases, you can select the capabilites included in your database.

You can select more than one advanced capability for a database, though there are limits:

  • The following advanced capabilities can be combined in Pro databases:

    • Search and query
    • JSON
    • Time series
    • Probabilistic
  • Graph cannot be combined with other capabilities.

  • Active-Active databases only support JSON and Search and query.

You don't have to combine capabilities. To remove a selected capability, clear its checkbox.

To learn more, see Redis Stack and Redis Stack and Redis Enterprise.

Search and query sizing

When you create a Pro database with Search and Query, you must consider the sizing and throughput requirements for search and query when you define the dataset size and throughput for your database.

Use the Search and query sizing calculator to estimate your index size and throughput requirements.

  • Dataset Size: Add the estimated index size from the Sizing calculator to your expected dataset size.
  • Throughput: Enter the total estimated throughput from the Sizing calculator when you enter your throughput.
  • Query performance factor: The query performance factor adds extra power specifically for search and query. Select a factor to increase your queries per second by that amount.

Query performance factor

The query performance factor adds extra compute power specifically for search and query. When you create a database with search and query, you can select a factor to increase your queries per second by that amount.

We recommend testing your application with a test database to see your baseline queries per second and determine how much you want to boost your query performance. After you have determined your queries per second and your desired performance factor, create a new database with the desired performance factor and migrate data from the test database to your new database.

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