View and edit databases

Use the Databases menu of the Redis Cloud console to manage your databases.

To view the details of a database:

  1. Sign in to the Redis Cloud console. (Create an account if you don't already have one.)

  2. Select the Databases menu to display a searchable list of all databases.

  3. Locate the database in the list.

  4. Select the database name to open the Database page.

    The Configuration tab of the Database details screen.

The Database screen lets you review:

  • Configuration details of a database
  • Graphs showing performance metrics
  • Recent activity via a "[slowlog](/commands/slowlog/," which lists queries that exceed a certain execution time.

For help changing database settings, see Edit database details.

Configuration tab

The Configuration screen is divided into sections, each dedicated to a specific category. Note that not every section or setting is available to every subscription plan.

General settings

The General section defines basic properties about your database.

The available settings vary according to your plan, cloud provider, and design choices. For example, if you do not select an Advanced Capability when creating a database, the Advanced Capabilities setting is not displayed when you view its configuration details.

Setting name Description
Database Name The name given to your database
Public endpoint Public URI used by any application or client to access the database.
Private endpoint Private endpoint URI available to approved clients; use CIDR allow list and VPC peering to enable access (Redis Cloud Pro only)
Tags A list of the tags associated with the database. Select Manage tags to manage the database tags.
Type Displays 'Redis', 'Redis Stack' or 'memcached' based on the value selected when the database was created
Redis version Redis version used to create the database
Auto Tiering Checked when the subscription supports Auto Tiering (Redis Cloud Pro only)
Creation time Date and time the database was created
Active-Active Redis Checked when the database is part of an Active-Active relationship (Redis Cloud Pro only)
Last changed Date and time of last update
Supported Protocol(s) Shows which version of RESP the database uses. See Redis serialization protocol for details
Advanced Capabilites This setting appears when an advanced capability is enabled for a database

Scalability section

The Scalability section describes the memory size, throughput, and hashing policy for a database.

Use the Scalability section to control the size, throughput, and hashing policy for a database.

The Scalability section is primarily for Redis Cloud Pro plans. Redis Cloud Essentials plans have options for memory limit and memory used.

Setting name Description
Dataset size Maximum size (in GB) for your dataset.
Memory used Memory currently used for your database.
Throughput Defines throughput in terms of maximum operations per second for the database
High availability Replicates your data across multiple nodes; available options depend on your plan type
Hashing policy Defines the hashing policy.
OSS Cluster API Enables the Cluster API for a database.

When this option is enabled, you cannot define a custom hashing policy.

To learn more about these settings and when to use them, see Database clustering.

Durability section

The Durability section helps protect your data when problems occur. These settings define replication, persistence, backup, and eviction policies.

Use the Durability  section to protect your data from unexpected problems.
Setting name Description
Data persistence Defines whether (and how) data is saved to disk; available options depend on your plan type
Data eviction policy Configures which policy is applied when your database reaches its memory limit
Remote backup When enabled, identifies a location and interval for data backups. (Paid plans only)
Active-Passive Redis When enabled, identifies a path to the linked database. (Redis Cloud Pro only)

Security section

The Security section helps you control access to your database.

Use the Security settings to control access to your database.
Setting name Description
Default user When enabled, permits access using a simple password
Default user password Password for default user. A default password is assigned to the database on creation and may be updated.
CIDR allow list Allow list of IP addresses/security groups permitted to access the database. (Paid plans only)
Transport layer security (TLS) Enables transport layer security (TLS) encryption for database access. (Pro plans only)

Alerts section

The Alerts section defines notification emails sent to your account and the conditions that trigger them.

The Alerts section defines the notification emails and their triggering conditions.

The available alerts vary according to the plan type.

Setting name Description
Dataset size has reached When enabled, sends an an email when the database reaches the defined memory limit (Free Essentials or Pro only)
Total size of datasets under this plan reached When enabled, sends an an email when the database reaches the defined memory limit (Paid Essentials plans only)
Throughput is higher than When enabled, sends an email when the operations per second exceed the defined threshold (Paid Essentials or Pro plans only)
Throughput is lower than When enabled, sends an email when the operations per second falls below the defined threshold (Paid Essentials or Pro plans only)
Latency is higher than When enabled, sends an an email when the latency exceeds the defined limit (Paid Essentials plans only)
Number of connections When enabled, sends an email when the connections exceeds the defined limit. (Essentials plans only)
Replica Of - database unable to sync with source When enabled, sends email when the replica database cannot sync with the primary (source) database (Pro plans only)
Replica Of - sync lag is higher than When enabled, sends email when the sync lag exceeds the defined threshold (Pro plans only)

Danger zone

Actions in the Danger Zone are permanent and should not be taken lightly.

The Danger Zone includes activities that impact data, such as deleting a database.  Use with care.

Here, you can:

  • Delete the database.

    Databases must be active and empty before they can be deleted. To learn more, see Delete a database.

  • Import data into the database.

    When you choose this action, you're asked to specify the source and location of the data to import

    The Import data dialog helps you import data into a database.

    To learn more, see Import data.

For best results, we recommend backing up data before starting any Danger Zone actions.

Manage the database list

The Databases list summarizes the status of all databases associated with your account.

You can:

  • Search by typing into the search box located above the database list.

    Use the search bar to filter the list.
  • Filter by selecting a filter type and then selecting the checkbox next to the options you want to include from the dropdown. Select the Filter toggle, located on the right of the search bar, if the filter types are hidden.

    Use the filter toggle to display filter options.

    You can filter the list on Status, Subscription, Capabilities, Options, and Tags. String matches are not case-sensitive. You can specify more than one filter expression at a time.

    A list of selected filters appears below the filter types.

    To remove a filter click the x to the right of the name of that filter. To remove all filters, select Clear all.

    Use the filter toggle to display filter options.
  • Sort the list in descending or ascending order using the arrow displayed to right of the field name in the header. Supported fields include Subscription, Database name, Memory, and Tags.

    Use the arrows in the list header to sort the list. The direction of the arrow corresponds to the direction of the sort.

    Select the arrow icon to change the sort order. One sort order can be active at any given time.

  • Use the controls in the list footer to change the number of items displayed in the list or to navigate.

Sort orders and filter expressions are not saved between console sessions.

Other actions and info

The View Database screen also has tabs that let you view:

  • Metrics: a series of graphs showing database performance over time. See Monitor performance

  • Slowlog: a log showing recent slow queries run against your database. The log displays when the action started, the duration, the complexity of the operation, and any parameters passed to the operation.

Edit database details

Use the Edit database button to edit database details.

The Edit database button lets you change selected database properties.

Because databases exist within the context of a deployment, certain fields cannot be updated, especially those that might lead to data loss.

Here's what you can change:

Section Setting Comments
General Database name
Supported protocol(s)
Scalability Memory limit
Throughput Pro plans only
Hashing policy Pro plans only
OSS Cluster API Pro plans only
Durability High-availability Paid plans only
Data persistence Paid plans only
Data eviction policy
Remote backup Paid plans only
Active-Passive Redis Pro plans only
Security Default user
Default user password
CIDR allow list Paid plans only
Transport layer security (TLS) Pro plans only
Alerts all available for plan type

Choose Save database to save your changes.

Use the Save database button to save database changes.

If you need to change other details, create a new database and then migrate existing data.

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