Configure database settings

Configure settings specific to each database.

You can manage your Redis Enterprise Software databases with several tools:

Edit database settings

You can change the configuration of a Redis Enterprise Software database at any time.

To edit the configuration of a database using the Cluster Manager UI:

  1. On the Databases screen, select the database you want to edit.

  2. From the Configuration tab, select Edit.

  3. Change any configurable database settings.

    For Active-Active database instances, most database settings only apply to the instance that you are editing. To manage Active-Active databases, use the legacy UI.
  4. Select Save.

Configuration settings

  • Name - The database name requirements are:

    • Maximum of 63 characters

    • Only letters, numbers, or hyphens (-) are valid characters

    • Must start and end with a letter or digit

    • Case-sensitive

  • Endpoint port number - You can define the port number that clients use to connect to the database. Otherwise, a port is randomly selected.

    You cannot change the port number after the database is created.
  • Memory limit - Database memory limits include all database replicas and shards, including replica shards in database replication and database shards in database clustering.

    If the total size of the database in the cluster reaches the memory limit, the data eviction policy for the database is enforced.

    If you create a database with Auto Tiering enabled, you also need to set the RAM-to-Flash ratio for this database. Minimum RAM is 10%. Maximum RAM is 50%.
  • Capabilities (previously Modules) - When you create a new in-memory database, you can enable multiple Redis Stack capabilities in the database. For Auto Tiering databases, you can enable capabilities that support Auto Tiering. See Redis Enterprise and Redis Stack feature compatibility for compatibility details.

    To use Redis Stack capabilities, enable them when you create a new database. You cannot enable them after database creation.

    To add capabilities to the database:

    1. In the Capabilities section, select one or more capabilities.

    2. To customize capabilities, select Parameters and enter the optional custom configuration.

    3. Select Done.

High availability & durability

  • Replication - We recommend you use intra-cluster replication to create replica shards for each database for high availability.

    If the cluster is configured to support rack-zone awareness, you can also enable rack-zone awareness for the database.

  • Replica high availability - Automatically migrates replica shards to an available node if a replica node fails or is promoted to primary.

  • Persistence - To protect against loss of data stored in RAM, you can enable data persistence and store a copy of the data on disk with snapshots or an Append Only File.

  • Data eviction policy - By default, when the total size of the database reaches its memory limit the database evicts keys according to the least recently used keys out of all keys with an "expire" field set in order to make room for new keys. You can select a different data eviction policy.


  • Database clustering - You can either:

    • Enable database clustering and select the number of database shards.

      When database clustering is enabled, databases are subject to limitations on Multi-key commands.

      You can increase the number of shards in the database at any time.

      You can accept the standard hashing policy, which is compatible with Redis Community Edition, or define a custom hashing policy to define where keys are located in the clustered database.

    • Clear the Database clustering option to use only one shard so that you can use Multi-key commands without the limitations.

  • Sharding

  • OSS Cluster API -

    OSS Cluster API reduces access times and latency with near-linear scalability. The OSS Cluster API provides a simple mechanism for Redis clients to know the cluster topology.

    Clients must first connect to the master node to get the cluster topology, and then they connect directly to the Redis proxy on each node that hosts a master shard.

    You must use a client that supports the cluster API to connect to a database that has the cluster API enabled.

    If you enable the OSS Cluster API, the shards placement policy and database proxy policy automatically change to Sparse and All master shards.

  • Shards placement policy - Determines how to distribute database shards across nodes in the cluster.

    • Dense places shards on the smallest number of nodes.

    • Sparse spreads shards across many nodes.

  • Database proxy policy - Determines the number and location of active proxies, which manage incoming database operation requests.

Replica Of

With Replica Of, you can make the database a repository for keys from other databases.

Scheduled backup

You can configure periodic backups of the database, including the interval and backup location parameters.


Select alerts to show in the database status and configure their thresholds.

You can also choose to send alerts by email to relevant users.


You can require TLS encryption and authentication for all communications, TLS encryption and authentication for Replica Of communication only, and TLS authentication for clients.

Access control

  • Unauthenticated access - You can access the database as the default user without providing credentials.

  • Password-only authentication - When you configure a password for your database's default user, all connections to the database must authenticate with the [AUTH command](/commands/auth/.

    If you also configure an access control list, connections can specify other users for authentication, and requests are allowed according to the Redis ACLs specified for that user.

    Creating a database without ACLs enables a default user with full access to the database. You can secure default user access by requiring a password.

  • Access Control List - You can specify the user roles that have access to the database and the Redis ACLs that apply to those connections.

    To define an access control list for a database:

    1. In Security > Access Control > Access Control List, select + Add ACL.

    2. Select a role to grant database access.

    3. Associate a Redis ACL with the role and database.

    4. Select the check mark to add the ACL.

Internode encryption

Enable Internode encryption to encrypt data in transit between nodes for this database. See Internode encryption for more information.

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